Has your dating pool become stale? Are the local humans just not appealing to you? Find your inner Bella or Sookie Stackhouse and expand your horizons!
Two humorous books are on sale right now that are perfect for the singleton this Valentine's Day. The first, is the Vampire Seduction Handbook . It tells you everything you need to know about how to romance the undead, and what makes them such superior lovers... (on sale for only $5.57!)
Now, if you are successful, and your bloodsucker is so infatuated with you that he is willing to make a commitment, then you will need The New Vampire's Handbook. (On sale for $11.20) This tongue-in-cheek (or 'fang-in-neck") guide offers helpful information on navigating your new undead body and the powers that come along with it. Socially, there are good tips for blending with the masses, acting your age and how to deal with the media. Very relevant indeed!