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Saturday, October 24, 2009
Zombie Walk Around the World!
This weekend marks Toronto's big Zombie Walk. Whether you're old-school (George Romero) or new-school (Zombieland) you will find your peeps. If you are not in Toronto this weekend, Zombie Walks are a new movement doing events around the world. Find your peers at the big central forum on It's kind of a heavily-made up 'Flash Mob' of dead people. The forums post notices by country, by state, and urgent notices for those who just need to get their creep on ASAP.
A few countries: Germany, United States, France, Canada, Thailand, Brazil...
How to tell the Old-school from the New-school zombies? Old-school ones a la 'Night of the Living Dead,' crawled slowly from the grave, stumbling and walking at a more snail-like pace due to their status as re-animated corpses, possibly with some ancient voodoo history thrown in. New school, a la "28 Days Later" or " Zombieland" can run and attack victims aggressively.
The anticipated trend for this season's monsters? Expect lots of Thriller tributes to Michael Jackson.