There are many genres of dark and Gothic styling. Most of the divas out there can accept and crossover their fashionable wardrobes. However, the Courtesan has learned that if there was any group out there in the Gothic universe that is very particular about the proper style etiquette, it would be the Lolitas.
For the uninitiated, the term "Gothic Lolita" should not be used lightly to refer to any cute, lacy or vaguely Victorian costume fan. There are apparently many rules pertaining to accessories, pop culture influences, and even quality of your clothing materials...
Sound overwhelming? Not to worry, there is a WikiHow chapter that spells out in 7 basic steps exactly what it takes to transform yourself into this fashion icon. This website explicitly describes every detail you need to tend to, resources for shopping as well as the importance of good sewing skills.
Once you have mastered the basics, you can branch off into the sub genres... Dark, Sweet, Cyber, Glitter, Elegant...